The Real Narco List? Episode 2

Disclaimer: Readers are advised to view with discretion. What you are about to read is a sensitive information that may cause undue harm to other people's reputation. Please be noted that the narrative was based on a series of videos from an anonymous source and cannot be verified for its authenticity, thus discernment is required.

'Ang Tutuong Narco List? Episode 2 by Bikoy...

New sets of bank accounts exposed: Code name VEGAREGA-AAA001 - it has four accounts under different banks.

Three accounts are under a certain "Elijah Manuel Pepito" and the other one is under a certain "Veronica Salvador".

Elijah Pepito is no secret that he is  one of the partner lawyers in Mans Carpio and Sara Duterte's law firm, named, Carpio & Duterte Lawyers, which was established in 2008.

In other words, Bikoy alleges that Elijah Pepito is being used as a dummy or front by the couple to receive the monthly TARA from the syndicate.

(Moving on) The real mystery is who is this Veronica Salvador?

But wait, the president's partner is Honeylet Avancena, whose real name is Cielito "Salvador" Avancena. And they have a daughter named Kitty, whose real name is Veronica.

It would appear that Kitty or Veronica, using the middle name of the mother (Salvador) was used to establish a bank account where the (monthly) allocation or TARA are being deposited by the (drug) syndicate. Thus, the name appears as Veronica Salvador.

To further explain it: Cielito Salvador Avacena or Honeylet is not married to the president, thus she maintains her full maiden name. Her father's surname is Avancena and her mother's is Salvador.

Is this the reason why the president is frequenting Hongkong together with the daughter?

PSNOBSF: As in any major transactions, especially in an international bank, any major transfer of funds will have to be authenticated by the account holder if indeed such amount was transferred/received.

Of course, it will be the owner's initiative to check and verify if the money was indeed transfer to his or her account.

In other words, Kitty or Veronica's account is receiving a monthly TARA from the drug syndicate or she is being used by the parents as a dummy to avoid detection?

If the allegations are true, no wonder deputy Ombudsman Carandang became the center of attack of the president for having exposed the AMLAC report.

As the report would detail the movement of money or paper trail of such big amounts to and from the local banks and the international banks.

Hence it is no coincidence that he installed his former budget secretary to the Bangko Sentral to ensure that he has absolute control of any and all AMLAC reports.


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